"Your source for unusual and rare books."

André Gide: Prometheus Illbound (Novella)
(French title:
Le Prométhée mal enchaîné)

The book "Prometheus Illbound" is one of the most characteristic books of André Gide: a work of pure intellectual fantasy, where the subtle brain of the author has full play. It is the expression of the humorous side of a mind which must be ranked among the greatest of the world's literature.


André Gide: Strait is the Gate (Novel)
(French title: La porte étroite)

"Strait is the Gate", first published in 1909
in France as "La porte étroite", is a novel
about the failure of love in the face of the
narrowness of the moral philosophy of


André Gide et al.:
Recollections of Oscar Wilde

Three men of literature - Nobel Prize winner André Gide, the French Ernest La Jeunesse and the German Franz Blei - present their "Recollections" of the last years of Oscar Wilde.


© Mondial, 2008