"Your source for unusual and rare books."

Honoré de Balzac:
Maitre Cornelius (Novella)

Balzac's famous medieval love story, in which he turns King Louis XI of France into a detective.

Set in the fifteenth century, this is a tale of a married woman whose lover apprentices himself to a silversmith, Maitre Cornelius, just to be nearer to her.


Honoré de Balzac:
Ursula (Novel)

(French title: Ursule Mirouët)

Among all the novels of
Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850),
none depicts so penetratingly
the small-mindedness, avarice, and envy
of the provincial lower middle classes.
In "Ursula", no limitations based on morality
or decency will hold these people back in their
effort to acquire wealth and influence.



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