"Your source for unusual and rare books."

Luigi Pirandello:
Signora Speranza


Pirandello's humor, though at bottom sad and almost pessimistic, is not of a
quiet sort. To him man appears as a creature more miserable than
grotesque, eternally made sport of by the irony of fate.

Such is the philosophy in Signora Speranza, one of the most characteristic of his novellas.


Gabriele D'Annunzio:
The Child of Pleasure

Italian Novel)

The Child of Pleasure is a novel by Gabriele D'Annunzio, written in 1888 and published in 1889. Just as The Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis by Ugo Foscolo had popularized the Romantic Movement and sensibility a century earlier, The Child of Pleasure and its protagonist Andrea Sperelli introduced the Italian culture of the late 1800s to Aestheticism and a taste for decadence.









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