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History of a Crime
(Testimony of an Eye-Witness)

by Victor Hugo

Historical / documentary novel. (French title: L'histoire d'un crime)

Doumentary historical novel about Napoleon III
Category: Nonfiction; French History; Napoleon III
ISBN: 1-59569-020-4

VICTOR HUGO's long and chequered life (1802-85) was filled with experiences of the most diverse character - literature and politics, the court and the street, parliament and the theatre, labour, struggles, disappointments, exile and triumphs.

Victor Hugo's HISTOIRE D'UN CRIME is an impassioned recording of the December 1852 coup d'état that brought the usurper he called "Napoléon le petit" to power, and sent Hugo into an eighteen year exile. The work was written in the few months following Hugo's flight, but only published in 1877, when Hugo feared a similar takeover by Maréchal Mac-Mahon, who had threatened the dissolution of the republican-dominated Chambre des députés.

During his exile on the island of Guernsey, where he completed, among others, his longest and most famous work, Les Misérables (1862), and also The Man Who Laughs (L'Homme qui rit; 1869), also known as "By Order of the King" (order it from Mondial, on this website!), a historic novel with fictional characters, set in England 1688-1705.

Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-1873) was elected President (December 20, 1848- December 2, 1852) of the Second Republic of France and subsequently accepted the title of the Emperor (December 2, 1852- September 4, 1870), reigning as Napoléon III.

ISBN: 1595690204 / 9781595690203

Language: English

Subjects: Docu-novel (France, History, Napoleon III ("Napoleon le petit"), French Classic)

Pages: 416

Book Type: 5.25 x 8.25 in, Perfect Bound - Paperback


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